VII. HEP LAWYERS AND HEP DOCTORS: There may be occasions when a TV will need help from a member of either of these professions. It would probably be a good thing if those of you who have had occasion to meet up with either attorney's or M.D. in your area who know what TV is all about and understand it would send those names in to me on a 3x5 card to put in the file. Then when someone else needs one of these types whom he could trust I would be able to refer him to someone.

VIII. IN CASE: If you bought this magazine on a newstand and it is bound with a staple clear through to the middle like a magazine it is a pirated plagiarized copy. (All original copies are square bound like a book). If it is a pirated copy the inside back cover is probably blank. They do this to delete the name and address of the publisher. Therefore it is given to you here. Write for further information and prices to Chevalier Publications Box 36091 Los Angeles 19, Calif. These pirated copies may be free advertising but they are expensive to both of us.

IX. FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT: I regret that it has bacome April and I haven't gotten the Annual Report to FPE members, but I hope I will be forgiven. My hospitalization and convalescence helped me clear up some backlogs, but also created others--seems as tho you can't win. Anyway the Report is set up and will be typed and sent out within the next two weeks. Those of you who are members of FPE and who have not paid your annual dues due in Jan. might well do so at this time. As you know this is the money that has to finance any Foundation activities apart from donations to be the Foundation by those who are not FPE members. We have had two $100 donations for this year, one by Alice 5-H-2 FPE who has been generous this way in two previous years; and Sylvia PE-B-3 FPE who is a newcomer to our ranks and somewhat divides her time between England and Ohio. Our thanks are due to both. Although dues should be sent to me to be recorded they will then to be forwarded to Fran 49-C-IFPE who has accepted the responsibility of being treasurer of the Foundation.